
Roots of Labor Birth Collective logo - brown letters over a light green placenta/roots of life sketch with green plant embellishment below it and Skillshares written below that in dark green

Welcome to the Roots of Labor Birth Collective Skillshares Program!

RLBC Skillshares are a monthly offering from collective and community members alike, centering BIQTPOC and uplifting all the many ways that we learn, explore and share our wisdom, skills and experience. We offer one live skillshare per month which includes 14 day access to the replay.

The live skillshare is:

Narcan Training for Birthworkers
with Nickie Tilsner, BSN, RN @cornerstone.birthwork

March 26, 2023
10am PST

Here you'll find meeting details for the live class, information about the presenter and any resources they share. After the live skillshare completes, the replay will be added here.

Roots of Labor Birth Collective (RLBC) is based in Oakland, CA on unceded Chochenyo and Karkin Ohlone lands. We are Black, Indigenous, Queer, Trans, People of Color, full-spectrum doulas and traditional brith workers supporting BIQTPOC in every stage of reproductive life.

Learn more about the collective:

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